Friday, April 15, 2016

Jenkins for Automation and Performance Testing - DevOps QA

Jenkins an open source continuous integration utility developed using Java

Continuous integration features of Jenkins is being used by QA team very robustly. Automation QA team needs to validate build for consideration of Regression Testing Go/No Go. Jenkins being used to validate the build status and stability by exciting JAVA scripts converted and configured as JAR and executed via command lines.

QA Team also use Jenkins to do performance testing by executing Jmeter scripts configured as job and servers as slaves.

Core Features
  1. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
  2. Easy installation
  3. Easy configuration
  4. Plugins
  5. Extensible
  6. Extensible
Steps to Start: 

  1. Download Jenkins
  2. Identify Scenario
  3. Download and Discover Plugins
  4. Create Jobs
  5. Execute
  6. Analyse
So now we can consider Jenkins as new tool to be used by Automation QA and now can be converted as DevOps QA